Thu. Jul 25th, 2024

    In the vast and complex world of League of Legends, even the smallest decisions can have a significant impact on your performance in the Rift. One such decision is the choice between the Second Wind and Bone Plating runes. While both runes offer defensive benefits, the debate surrounding their effectiveness in various matchups has been a hot topic among players. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the strengths and weaknesses of each rune to help you make an informed decision for your next game.

    Understanding the Runes:

    Before we delve into the comparison, let’s take a quick look at what each rune offers:

    Second Wind: This rune grants you regeneration after taking damage from an enemy champion. The lower your health, the more powerful the regeneration becomes.

    Bone Plating: When activated, this rune reduces incoming damage from enemy champions’ next three separate attacks or spells within a short duration.

    The Poke Matchup Dilemma:

    Conventional wisdom suggests that Second Wind is the go-to choice for poke-heavy matchups, while Bone Plating shines against all-in champions. However, many players have found that even in all-in scenarios, Second Wind often feels more impactful than Bone Plating.

    The issue with Bone Plating lies in its activation mechanic. Most champions have abilities that can easily proc Bone Plating before they commit to an all-in attack. This means that by the time you’re in a full-blown fight, the rune’s effectiveness has already been diminished. In contrast, Second Wind’s consistent regeneration can help you sustain through poke and recover more efficiently after trades.

    Real-World Examples:

    Let’s take a look at some specific instances where players have found Second Wind to be the superior choice:

    Kassadin: A champion known for his weak early game, Kassadin players often opt for Second Wind in most matchups. The rune’s regeneration helps them survive the laning phase and scale into the late game.

    Melee vs Ranged: In matchups where a melee champion is pitted against a ranged opponent, Second Wind can be a lifesaver. The constant poke from the ranged champion can quickly chip away at your health, but Second Wind’s regeneration can help you stay in the lane longer and farm more effectively.

    The Verdict:

    While Bone Plating can be situationally strong against certain champions, Second Wind’s consistency and reliability make it the better choice in most scenarios. The rune’s ability to help you sustain through poke and recover after trades is invaluable, especially in the early game where every bit of health matters.

    As were watching pro elo boosters play and climb through the ranks, we couldn’t help, but notice how they pick runes based on their playstyles, heroes and lain matchups.

    It’s important to remember that rune choices are not set in stone. Depending on your playstyle, champion, and the specific matchup, there may be situations where Bone Plating is the optimal choice. As with all aspects of League of Legends, experimentation and adaptation are key to success.

    In final words:

    In the battle between Second Wind and Bone Plating, Second Wind emerges as the clear victor for most players and matchups. Its consistent regeneration and ability to help you survive poke and trades make it a reliable choice in almost any situation. However, don’t be afraid to experiment with Bone Plating in specific matchups where you feel it might give you an edge. Ultimately, the key to mastering runes is understanding their strengths and weaknesses and adapting your choices to suit your playstyle and the challenges you face on the Rift.