The information in this post has been updated for 2024.
League of Legends might be a very boring game to play alone sometimes, especially in ranked games, where we want to have the best team mates possible to climb faster. But most of us struggle to find the right duo to climb and have fun, either because we can´t find a duo, or either the ones that we find tilt easily and don’t perform well. So here’s a few ways to find yourself a good duo!
1- Discord
There are a lot of discord servers to find duos, but the most famous ones are the discords for certain region such as “LOL EUW Community” where you can find people for everything, ranked solo/duo or flex, clash, normal games, arams and the current featured mode!
2- Websites
RiftQ is a specific website to find yourself a duo or a team which already has a huge community!
3- Hiring a booster
Hiring a booster is very beneficial because you will always play with one of the best players in League Of Legends. This means that you’re gonna learn and become a better player while winning games with the perfect duo!
Eloboostleague provide you all the options you can imagine for your League of Legends account. from playing your preferred champions to having your score normalize to show your account as low profile as possible.
4- Add high win rate players that you find in solo queue
This process is slower than the other ones above, as you have to check your teammates and enemies win rate as well as see how they perform in game to send them a friend request and potentially get a good duo to climb with!
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